The Five Vitali Treatments (eBook)

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The Five Vitali Treatments (eBook)

How to heal the five wounds: rejection, abandonment, humiliation, betrayal, injustice

Juma Vitali

  • eBook
  • Prezzo: € 4,99

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  • Ebook in lingua Inglese
  • Protezione: Watermark (cosa significa?)
  • Formati disponibili: PDF, EPUB, MOBI

Ebook in lingua Inglese The Five Vitali treatments and the other treatments illustrated in this book are lessons for all the people who work at the service of others, such as osteopaths,... continua

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Ebook in lingua Inglese

The Five Vitali treatments and the other treatments illustrated in this book are lessons for all the people who work at the service of others, such as osteopaths, therapists, psychotherapists, masseurs and so forth... and they turn out to be really helpful in this wonderful journey in search of the Self! It is recommended to receive them several times and to pair them with a work of personal growth.

As far as the person's inner formation is concerned, the Lifewings Method© makes use of meditation and chakra-rebalancing techniques, giving the person the opportunity to explore their blocks and hence to release energy. In this way, it helps to bring out the qualities of Light that naturally and spontaneously transform the various aspects of our life and the way we work with others.

Dettagli eBook - PDF

Editore Anima Edizioni
Formato eBook - PDF
EAN13 9788863654165
Lo trovi in: Benessere e salute - ebook


Juma Vitali - Foto autore

Juma Vitali, counselor e trainer, leader del progetto The New Family, ha ideato LifeWings Method©, un metodo emotivo corporeo. Con amore e costanza – attraverso un’efficace educazione olistica – da molti anni è impegnata a creare comunità, i cui esponenti attuino una vera trasformazione evolutiva sia personale sia come parte della società. Grazie al contatto con i nativi del Sud America impara a disciplinare le sue qualità psichiche e conosce le tecniche per trattare i campi sottili. Autrice del libro The New Family, le Comunità della Nuova Era, Viverealtrimenti, 2014.

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