Pier Luigi Lattuada presents the video-course “Waking up out of the cave – Ted’s Style Talks – 23rd International Eurotas Gathering”, you can find it here.
Humankind is facing the problems of post-modernity. A different vision has survived the millennia and since the dawn of humanity through the songs of the shamans, the scriptures of the sages, the medicines of the forest, the myths of the different traditions, and the parables of the masters recites its message of awakening.
More and more, heroes on a journey, are embarking on the path of awakening to get out of the cave of identifications with the shadows cast on the wall by the false needs of the Ego. A new paradigm is available to anyone who wants to set out on the journey aware that matter is the concrete manifestation of the flow of consciousness, the foundation of everything.
Transpersonal approach offering tools and methods for mastering the inner experience of states of consciousness and stages of thinking suggest a way out based on key competences such as: partnership, creativity, emotional competences, connection to the Self, tolerance of uncertainty, service, interconnection, fluidity, mastering of states of consciousness, archetypal experience, willingness to change, trust, listening, awareness, self-observation, disidentification.
While we get a look for the trouble of the world, we may feel discouraged with no answers. Together we can do something, be active agents for the change. Wish is not enough, time may be short, here we are, doing our best. Committing to offer our resources, our concrete action to make the world better.
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